
202 posts

Announcements as printed in the weekly bulletin

Meet our new Nursery attendant!

Maybeline Gideon, a member of our Marshall Island’s church partner, is our new Nursery attendant! Maybeline will care for the babies and toddlers in the Nursery on the second floor during the Sunday morning worship service. She currently serves as Children’s Minister for her church. She will be coming early […]

Communion Sunday

Sunday October 6 is Communion Sunday. A benevolence offering will be taken.

Community Garden team has two new projects

Have you noticed the work being done with the Community Garden on our North Lot? Thanks to the help of our Marshall Island’s church partner, the garden beds and picnic tables are nearly completed. To utilize them in the winter cover crops will be planted beginning in October. The same […]

Tithing – an Act of Worship

Is tithing an act of worship? If it is an expression of the heart, that we trust God with our finances even if the numbers don’t make sense, then yes, it is. We give God the first fruits, the best off the top, that we have set aside to give, […]

Church Dumpster to be moved

Given the heavy use of the church’s garbage dumpster located at the north entrance of the building, conditions surrounding it have deteriorated. Before it becomes a health concern in the church’s kitchen, the dumpster will be moved away from the building to an area at the north end of the […]

Solar Panel project nearing completion!

On Friday, the installers of the solar panels completed their work to connect the new panels to our power system. Puget Sound Energy then came to reconnect power to the grid. The two final needs are an inspection by the Fire Department, which is scheduled for Monday, September 30. Then […]

Community Feeding starts October 2

Now that students and their families are into the school year’s rhythm, our church’s Community Feed will be picking up again! Each Tuesday afternoon, under the leadership of Reddics Johnson of Faith Over Fear, a free meal is offered to anyone in our community who stops by. Volunteers are appreciated—to […]

Children’s Ministry is growing!

Have you noticed how many children are at church on Sundays? Praise God! Thank you, Marti Day, for volunteering to help with Children’s Ministry during Sunday services! Plans are also underway to provide nursery care for babies and toddlers each Sunday.