Our Mission
To boldly follow Christ in community,
pursuing life-transforming relationships,
for God’s honor and glory.
Our ‘AL’-ness
We are BIBLICAL people asking “Where is it written?” We affirm the Bible as God’s Word and the only perfect guide for faith and life. Within this Biblical context, we embrace the freedom in Christ to disagree with one another.
We are DEVOTIONAL people asking “Are you alive in Jesus?” We affirm that a personal, life-changing relationship with Jesus is necessary and available to us.
We are MISSIONAL people asking “Do you desire to see lost people found and hurting people helped?” We affirm God has a special love for the lost, last, least, and littlest – and so must we.
We are CONNECTIONAL people asking “Do you desire to be God’s friends and our friends?” With the Spirit’s help, we love the Lord God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind; we love our neighbor as ourselves; and we love one another as Jesus loved us first.
Our Beliefs
Our Vision at Midway begins with a profound decision to live every day, for the rest of our lives, wholeheartedly for Jesus Christ.
Romans 12:12, Joshua 24:15, Matthew 22:36-40
That decision is nurtured by commitment to a local body of believers and within that context, accountability to a small group of friends with whom we are bound together from the heart. These relationships mark the true beginning of membership in the body.
Matthew 18:20, Hebrews 10:24, 25
We go from members together to being ministers in the world as we reach out to our friends and relatives, to our neighbors and co-workers, and through missions, to people around the world.
Matthew 25:40
Our Vision
Midway Community Covenant is a church family committed to Jesus Christ and His mission in the world. Because of who Jesus is and what He has done for us, we desire to obey His Great Commandment and fulfill His Great Commission. Jesus says: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and Love your neighbor as yourself 1 and, as you are going, make disciples, baptizing them and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you2. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we will:
- Glorify God
- Enjoy His presence together.
- Honor Him through preaching and teaching His Word.
- Disciple the Believer
- Live as disciples and make disciples.
- Encourage individuals in their walk with Christ.
- Strengthen the Home
- Support marriage and family relationships.
- Nurture and encourage singles.
- Build the Church
- Serve one another in love.
- Cultivate relationships across generation, race, culture and class.
- Reach the World
- Minister in love to our neighbors.
- Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with our community and the world.