
202 posts

Announcements as printed in the weekly bulletin

Mug ‘N Muffin resumes September 11

Attention all women! Are you free Wednesdays from 10 to 11:30 AM? Consider participating in weekly prayer and Bible study sessions – while also enjoying coffee and muffins! Sessions begin next week, September 11. The study is a continuation of the Book of Acts. Questions? Contact Ruth Hill or Marti […]

Plans Underway to Paint Church Exterior

In the ongoing work of maintaining our church complex, the next project needing attention is painting the exterior of the church (last done in the ‘80s??). Thankfully, a member of Ministerio who owns a painting business is offering a $20,000 quote, greatly reducing the cost. Funds will come from the […]

Power to be cut off 2 hours Sept. 18!

The solar project is 95% complete! The remaining 5% will be completed Wednesday, September 18. PSE is scheduled to disconnect power to our building from 8 Am to 10 AM so the solar panel company can safely make the interconnection to the electrical service.

Communion Sunday

Sunday September 1 is Communion Sunday. A benevolence offering will be taken.

New Sermon Series beginning in September!

Beginning September 1, Pastor Shaun will be preaching on worship. The title of the series is Made to Worship: True Worship vs. Idolatry! May God prepare our hearts for this important topic!

Solar Panels are Installed!

The solar project is almost complete! The new panels are now installed on the roof of the Fellowship Hall. 95% of the electrical is connected with the remaining to be coordinated with Puget Sound Energy. Plans are underway to host a celebration feast in September to thank all those who […]

Recommendations for new members

We rejoice to bring before you the names of seven people who have completed all requirements for becoming a member of Midway Community Covenant Church. The Leadership Team recommends the following people be approved for membership: Ndondo Lubumba is the mother of Michel Idumba’s wife, Christine Wakusolela, and the others […]

Parsonage Project Fundraiser underway!

By now, we trust you have received in your mail a letter inviting you to participate in the Parsonage Project! It’s been two months since our congregational meeting where we communally discerned that the Lord was leading us to build a parsonage on our North Lot. The unanimous vote set […]