Parsonage Project Fundraiser underway!

By now, we trust you have received in your mail a letter inviting you to participate in the Parsonage Project!

It’s been two months since our congregational meeting where we communally discerned that the Lord was leading us to build a parsonage on our North Lot. The unanimous vote set in motion a project we anticipate will take two years.

We have set a goal of completing this project for $400,000 and see four pathways for funding it:

  1. Event income – funds coming fairly consistently from renting our building for events.
  2. Unrestricted funds – a safe percentage of our unrestricted funds.
  3. Gifts from the Body – the response from our friends and family to participate in the project financially.
  4. A loan from National Covenant Properties – after totaling the above three funding sources, we will request a loan from NCP for the remainder.

We are praying for you as you discern your participation in the Parsonage Project.

Blessings on you!
Your Leadership Team