Highlights of Leadership Team Meeting Sept. 4

Due to schedule conflicts and illness, our August meeting was held September 4.

  • We spent time sharing how the Spirit was working in our lives and praying for the staff, the Church, the meeting and each other.
  • We recognize that the decreased donations of tithes and offerings is a consistent pattern this year, while also grateful for wise expenditure of funds.
  • Don reported that the pre-application permit process was successfully completed. The goal is to collect all listed requirements for the building permit and submit them by January 2025.
  • We approved funding ($450) a seminary certificate course with the Covenant for Youth Director Marco.
  • We discussed ways to provide staffing support for MJ in Children’s Ministry for a couple of months.
  • We approved holding a Congregational Meeting September 22 to vote on new members.
  • We discussed ways to provide water for irrigation.

Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Hill, Chair