Community Good Friday Service
The annual Community Good Friday service will be held at Des Moines Gospel Chapel this year. Plan now to attend this inspiring event! Need a ride? Email (office@midwaycovenant.org) or phone (206-878-4861) the office.

Sunday Services & Sermon Schedule
Sunday Morning Worship Service:
- In person at 10:110 a.m. in the Sanctuary at 22460 24th Ave. So., Des Moines, WA
- Online at https://midcov.org/live/
- YouTube for reviewing the sermon
Sermon Theme: Lent
- March 17 – Jeremiah 31:31-34
- March 24 – Luke 19:28-34 Palm Sunday
- March 31 – Acts 10:25-43 EASTER

Church Life
Adult Bible Study | The Adult Bible Study focuses on the book of James for the 7 Sundays of Lent. James encourages us to reflect on our faith—is it real? 8:45 to 9:45 AM in the Prayer Room Facilitator: Brad Hill |
Fellowship Meal | Each Sunday, immediately following the morning service, a delicious meal is served in the Fellowship Hall – thank you, Susie Hashemi and MJ Higgins! You are warmly invited to enjoy good food and good fellowship around the tables! |
Ping Pong | Join a growing group of men – and women! – from several of the partner churches who play ping pong together! All skill levels welcome! 11:00 AM to Noon in the Fellowship Hall |
FOF Food Truck | Faith Over Fear Food Truck is here on Tuesday afternoons, welcoming students and neighbors for a meal. |
Cultural Cohesion Group | This cohort identifies and navigates through obstacles in the church that hinder believers from living out the reality of the unity in the Body of Christ. This session is currently full. 4:30 – 5:30 PM in the Prayer Room |
Women’s Bible Study | Women, let’s gather in the Prayer Room each Wednesday from 10 to 11:30 am for prayer and Bible study. To prepare for March 13: read Acts 10. Facilitator: Ruth Hill (ruthhill27@gmail.com). |
Men’s Bible Study | Join other men who gather weekly at 8 AM at Tuscany’s to enjoy fellowship around breakfast and study of the Bible! Facilitator: Jim Lammers (jameslammers@comcast.net) Tuscany’s: 21830 Marine View Drive, Des Moines |
High School Youth Group | For all High Schooler: Fun! Food! Hang out time! What could be better! Come on in after school Thursdays for an experience designed just for you! 3:00 – 4:30 PM in the Prayer Room |
Men’s Group | Men, this is a time to check in with each other, to encourage and support and above all, to pray for one another. 6:30 – 8:00 PM in the Prayer Room |

Lenten Suppers
Delicious soup and bread! Fellowship around the table with our Partner Churches! Praying together! Come and enjoy these blessings!
In the Fellowship Hall each Thursday, from 6 to 7 PM, through March 28.

Praises and Prayer Requests
- Pray for the high school group. Pray for rich blessings through their outing on March 16.
- Praise God that middle school and elementary groups are forming on Thursday.
- Prayer for pastor Gary: feeling fatigued
- Prayer for Peter Stricker: Sick
- Prayer for Re’uven: Sick
- Prayer for Dennis Brass: Getting over cold
- Pray for direction and provision for Faith Over Fear regarding starting a community garden.
- Pray for a smooth transition for those moving to new apartments at Wesley in April—John and Marilyn Gettis and Louella Hanson.
- Praise God for the new friendships forming and deepening between our partner churches through the Lent Suppers! Pray for the two remaining Thursday gatherings.
- Pray for God’s peace to come to war-torn nations.
- Pray for the homebound in our church family: Carrie Lammers, Rosemary Maulden, Linda Morrisset, Millie Olson, Jim & Carol Roach.

Birthdays & Anniversaries
- March 23 – Brad Hill
- March 28 – Gerald MacDicken
- April 2 – Louella Hanson

Volunteer Opportunities
- Worship & Praise Team: Have you ever considered pursuing your beautiful voice and leadership abilities to use on the worship & praise team? If so, talk to Laura Kelley (laura@mykelleys.us) or Erica Walker (joyfulsound18@gmail.com)!
- Sound/Tech Team: If you have a desire to serve on the tech team and would like to be trained by none other than our very own Josh Kelley, let him know (jkelley@midcov.org)!
- Congregational Prayer: If you would like to lead the congregation during the Sunday service prayer time, please contact Ruth Hill: ruthhill27@gmail.com
- Scripture Readers: If you would like to read the Scripture reading during the Sunday service, please contact Marge MacDicken: marjoriemacdicken2004@yahoo.com
- Communion Servers: If you would like to be in the rotation for serving Communion the first Sunday of the month, please contact Pastor Shaun.
- Sunday morning Greeters: We need those that are willing to greet members and guests with a warm smile and holy embrace!
- Interact with neighbors during the Tuesday meal service in the parking lot, run by Faith Over Fear.

Around the Covenant
- CovChurch Now, the Evangelical Covenant weekly newsletter for week of March 6, 2024.
- Covenant Home Altar, Week of March 10—16, written by Rev. David A. Johnson, former MCCC pastor
- The Catch, the Pacific Northwest Conference monthly newsletter for March 2024.
- The Catch Interview: Rev. David A. Johnson, former MCCC pastor

- Men’s Retreat, Cascade Camp & Conference Center, March 22-24. Click here for interview with organizer.
- Save the Date for PacNWC Annual Celebration, April 18-20, Portland, OR.
- Fuller Youth Institute’s Growing Young Workshop, April 26-27, Kent Covenant Church
- Covenant Kids Congo Global 6K for Water, May 18.

- Evangelical Covenant Church on Facebook
- Pacific Northwest Conference on Facebook
- Midway Covenant on Facebook
- Cascade Camp & Conference Center on Facebook

Something to Ponder: Psalm 107

Church & Office Information:
- Senior Pastor: Rev. Shaun Higgins (shiggins@midwaycovenant.org)
- Staff in Office:
- Senior Pastor – Tuesday through Thursday, 9 AM to 6 PM
- Volunteers – Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM
- Office phone number: 206-878-4861
- Office email: office@midwaycovenant.org
- Office address: 22460 24th Ave. So., Des Moines, WA 98198
- Website: https://midcov.org/
- E-newsletter editor: Ruth Hill; please email content to ruthhill27@gmail.com