
202 posts

Announcements as printed in the weekly bulletin

Solar Project to start August 5!

We now have a confirmed start date of August 5! Materials will be deposited on the north side of the building. If construction impacts the north entrance, we will let you know before Sunday, August 4.

MUD Retreat for High Schoolers!

From Youth Director Marco: Save the date – November 15-17! And watch for more information coming throughout the summer!

Retreats for High Schoolers & Middle Schoolers!

THUNDER and MUD are coming this Fall! Students from all over the Pacific Northwest gather for a powerful weekend packed with fun activities, moving worship, and challenging teaching! What to Expect: Save the date for your retreat! And watch for more information coming throughout the summer!

Solar Project moving forward

The City of Des Moines has granted the needed permit to allow our solar panel project to move forward! MAD Energy NW, our installation company, now has our project in its implementation queue. It’s looking like work might begin the first week of August. Thank you for your prayers!

Highlights of ECC Gather

The Evangelical Covenant Church, of which Midway Community Covenant Church is a part, held its annual meeting last week from June 26-29 in Cincinnati, Ohio. As your delegates, we’d like to share with you a summary of actions taken. It was an inspiring week highlighting how God is using the […]

Communion Sunday

This Sunday, July 7, is Communion Sunday. A Benevolence Offering will be taken.

Update on Solar Panel Installation

We had initially been told our solar panels would be installed in May; however, it seems obtaining a permit from the City of Des Moines is continuing to delay the start of our project. The word we received this week was to push start day to August 5. Let’s pray […]

Inquirer’s Class for New Members on July 7

Have you considered becoming a member of Midway Community Covenant Church? Pastor Shaun has asked Brad Hill to lead a new Inquirer’s Class after the Sunday morning service, July 7, in the Prayer room. Brad will explain the uniqueness of the denomination of which we are a part, the Affirmations […]

Next Steps in the Parsonage Project

How much will the Parsonage cost? From where will those funds come? Those are the two questions being worked on right now. To determine how much the parsonage will cost requires selecting a viable architectural plan. Several plans have been considered; one is rising to the top as within a […]