E-news for September 12-18, 2021


The book of Jonah gives a clear picture of God’s great love and relentless pursuit of sinful people. In the fourth chapter, we see the incredible magnitude of God’s redeeming love. Jonah’s tantrums and misplaced anger did not change God’s plans; in fact, God went to great lengths to help Jonah realize that His steadfast love is as much for lost cities as for one wandering soul who has been called to bear His message.                        


  • Sunday, September 12 – Grandparents’ Day! Leadership Team Meeting!
  • Sunday, September 26 – Youth Sunday!
  • Saturday, October 2 – Community Resource Fair in parking lot!
  • Sunday, October 3 – Baby Bottle Campaign Begins!


Don’t forget your masks on Sunday! For the health and safety of all, particularly those in our church family with fragile or compromised immune systems, we at Midway are following the mask-wearing mandate from the governor. Thank you all for your patience and consideration for one another!


Are you saving your spare change? It’s almost time for the Baby Bottle Campaign to begin! This campaign will help raise funds for the local Care Net Center as they continue to meet the needs of young, pregnant mothers-to-be. Baby bottles will be distributed at church starting Sunday, October 3, and the goal is for you to distribute them to your families, friends, and loved ones to see how many we can fill by the end of October!


 At church one Sunday, a child watched carefully as people dropped money into the offering plate.

The boy turned to his father: “You don’t have to pay for me, dad…remember, I’m under five.”


Fill in the blanks using the words in the box below.

Last Sunday, Pastor Shaun preached on Jonah chapter 3. He said that the book of Jonah speaks to us about salvation. It reinforces that salvation can’t be earned, isn’t deserved, and can _____ be received by faith. He said the book of Jonah also reveals insight into God’s character. His steadfast love and forgiveness are seen in the way He __________ pursues the lost Ninevites to call them to repentance. His patience and grace are seen as He gives his wandering prophet a second chance to obey His instructions. When God gave ______ his marching orders the second time, verse 3 says, “This time Jonah obeyed the Lord’s command.” Pastor Shaun said that when God gives us a word, a specific ____, we ought to receive it with a sense of urgency. When Jonah did so in obedience to the Lord, a king and an entire nation fell before the Lord in repentance. What a transformation! God has given us a command to share the good news of _______. To obey is to be ready and willing to share this message of liberation through Jesus Christ with people all around us who are lost in sin and ________ for eternal separation from God. Pastor Shaun reminded us, “It is _______ time, and the message of the gospel is the only message that is relevant.” We should be praying for our leaders, and for one another, that we stop looking to each other for direction, that we stop finger pointing, and that we all go to the cross with surrendered _____ and a willingness to obey our Lord.

    task          Jonah          only           destined           harvest           hearts           salvation          relentlessly


The 2021 women’s retreat will be held this week, September 17-19, at Cascades Camp in Yelm. Ladies of Midway who are planning to attend – know that your Midway family will miss you while you are retreating! We will be praying for a wonderful time of rest, fun, and restoration for you!


1. Praise for all the grandparents in our lives!              

2. Continue to pray for strength, health, and reprieve for our healthcare workers as they care for all the wounded and sick patients who enter their clinics and hospitals.

3. Continue to pray for our nations and leaders, for the situation in Afghanistan, and for those impacted by Hurricane Ida.

                     SERMON SCHEDULE

                                                         September 12: Rev. Shaun Higgins, Jonah 4:1-11

                                                         September 19: Rev. Shaun Higgins, 2 Peter 1:1-21   

                                                         September 26: Rev. Shaun Higgins, 2 Peter 2:1-22

                                                         October 3: Rev. Shaun Higgins, 2 Peter 3:1-18


  • The Church Office is open Tuesday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Office phone number: 206-878-4861 // Office email: office@midwaycovenant.org                     
  • Sunday Morning Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary (or online at live.midcov.org)
  • Children’s Sunday School upstairs at 10:30 a.m.
  • Discipleship Lunch Group: Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall
  • Men’s Bible Study Breakfast Group: Thursdays at 8:00 a.m. at Tuscany’s in Des Moines