- Saturday, November 6 – Set your clocks back one hour tonight!
- Sunday, November 7 – Adult Bible Study, 8:45 a.m.! Communion!
Celebrate November Birthdays!
- Wednesday, November 10 – Midweek Fellowship!
- Thursday, November 11 – Veterans Day!
November 7, is the first Sunday of the month, and we have the privilege of celebrating communion together. If you will be joining the service via live-stream, you are encouraged to prepare in advance.
To all our Veterans, active and retired: Thank you for your service! We are grateful to you for serving in our nation’s military. We appreciate your love for God, family and country. Your service enables us to enjoy many freedoms, especially the freedom to gather together and worship our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
On Sunday, November 7, we will look at Jehovah-Rapha, studying where this name of YAHWEH first appears and exploring how it serves us as a “strong tower” that “the righteous run into and are safe.” On November 14 we will look briefly at the remaining names of God with their place of origin in the Bible and material to explore each more fully on your own. Please bring your Bible!
Please remember to bring your Bibles again on Sunday! You never know when you’ll be asked to hold them up, or underline a passage, or make a notation in the margin. Let’s get to know God’s Word!
Please plan to join us on Wednesday, November 10th, for our midweek fellowship! We will share a potluck meal at 6 p.m. and then break out for Bible Study from 7-8 p.m. Hope to see you there!
Potluck Details: If your last name begins with A-K, please bring a main dish; L-R, please bring a side dish; S-Z, please bring a dessert.
Bible Study Details: Come join your Midway Family on this inspirational journey through these beautiful and inspiring songs of praise, thanksgiving, and lament. Participants are invited to rediscover, or see for the first time, why you can put your hope in Jesus, the Shepherd, Savior and King!
Last Sunday, Ken Walugembe preached from the book of Jude. He said we need to ______ for our faith! The world wants us to conform and be the same as they are—to think, act, and talk like them. Yet God’s Word instructs us to be sanctified, or set apart, in our thoughts, actions, and speech. In 1 Corinthians 6, it says, “You were once ____ in sin, but you have been cleansed; you have been sanctified; you have been made right with God by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” Ken said that our sanctification is the one thing that separates us from the world. We need to stand _____ in this fallen world and be ready always to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, because there are many around us who don’t know Jesus. They need to know that there is power in the name of Jesus! He alone breaks bondages to sin and sets captives free! He exposes the world’s lies and opens people’s ____ to the truth! God gives us His Word and His Holy Spirit so we can glorify God in our mind, our spirit, and our body. He gives us the power to resist the daily temptation from the devil to live for the flesh. Make no mistake – resisting the _____ is a daily battle. It requires disciplined habits of praying and being in the Word. It involves being with other believers to study the Word and pray and build each other up. Here’s the _____: We know from God’s Word that once we surrender our lives to Him, we are not only precious and highly valued by God, but we belong to Him! We are somebody–His sons and daughters! Isn’t that worth contending for?!
Don’t forget your masks! For the health and safety of all, particularly those in our church family with fragile or compromised immune systems, we at Midway are continuing the mask-wearing protocol. Thank you all for your patience and consideration for one another!
The 7-year-old son of a Covenant pastor had nothing to do one hot summer afternoon, so he gathered three younger kids together for a game. Announcing that they would all sit down and play church, he said, “I’ll be the Father, Brian can be the Son, and Jenny can be the Holy Ghost.” The fourth child, Beth, felt left out and said, “What can I be?” The boy thought hard and then said, “You can be the Amen!”
If you are struggling financially and in need of food for your Thanksgiving Day meal, we want to help! Please call Lori-Lee in the church office and let her know your needs.
1. Pray for all those in our church family who are sick or recovering froillness or surgery.
5. Continue to pray for nations and leaders around the world.
November 7: Rev. Shaun Higgins, Haggai 1
November 14: Rev. Shaun Higgins, Haggai 2
- The Church Office is open Tuesday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Office phone number: 206-878-4861 // Office email:
- Sunday Morning Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary (or online at
- Children’s Sunday School upstairs at 10:30 a.m.
- Women’s Discipleship Lunch Group: Thursdays at 11:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall
- Midweek Fellowship: Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall
- Men’s Bible Study Breakfast Group: Thursdays at 8:00 a.m. at Tuscany’s in Des Moines