What a blessing to have this day to honor and celebrate all of you mothers! It is simply not possible to thank you enough for your daily, sacrificial love expressed in so many ways—good food, clean clothes, a listening ear, care when we’re sick, always believing in us, teaching us to be kind, modeling forgiveness, abounding in grace and laughter, telling us about Jesus, and showing us how to love and follow Him! What a high calling! THANK YOU, MOMS, AND MAY THE LORD BLESS YOU!
- Sunday, May 9 – Mother’s Day!
- Sunday, May 23 – Pentecost Sunday!
MAF PILOT Jon Cadd has flown 300 feet over jungles in Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) more times than he can count. His passengers include park officials, game wardens, and conservationists who come to spot and count elephants, buffalo, hippos, rhinos, and even mongooses and pythons. These are some of John’s favorite flights because they turn out to be more than just a chance to see wildlife. “We probably have the most ‘Kingdom Conversations’ with people who sit with us in the airplane on their way to the jungles of the Congo,” said Jonathan de Jongh, an MAF pilot in the DRC. “Many of us pilots have experienced impactful conversations in the cockpit with different organizations that initially seem to have nothing to do with MAF’s ministry.” A large part of MAF’s early vision was to “fly the missionary.” And while that remains a key focus, their roles encompass more than that. “I’m not just a taxi driver,” said MAF pilot Jon Cadd. “I am here to be a witness—to be an incarnational presence. To do that, I need to be around non-Christians.” Jon remembers sitting around campfires in the Zimbabwean bush with game wardens and park rangers. The conversations inevitably would turn toward spiritual matters and Jon would have opportunities to explain why he was in Africa—not to make money as a bush pilot, but to share the love of Jesus.

A teacher was talking about fractions and asked 10-year-old Luke, “Suppose that your mom baked an apple pie, and there are seven of you in your family—your parents and five children. What part of the pie would you get?” Without hesitation, Luke said, “One sixth.” “But there are seven of you,” the teacher said. “How do you get one sixth?” “That’s easy,” the boy replied, “I know my mom. She would say she didn’t want any pie so the rest of us could have more!”
Fill in the blanks using the words in the box below.
Last Sunday, Pastor Shaun preached on Revelation 7:9-17, which addresses what is essential and eternal (versus what is perishable and mortal). He reminded us of the ________ that take precedence here in this life—staying together and ________ with one another in patience, love, and humility. He explained that what we believe about pre-, mid-, or post-tribulation is basically irrelevant because we know that in the end, Christ ____ and will reign victorious! It is interesting and significant that John, in this passage, is seeing a great multitude. They are no longer marked and constrained by the sickness, pain, ______, and loss of their mortal bodies. What does remain however, because it is significant to God, are the distinguishing characteristics of people groups—their languages and nationalities. Verse 9 says that all nations with their languages will stand together as a great multitude before the ______, crying out praises to God in one voice! Interestingly, that’s exactly what was happening in ____ at Pentecost! What is key for us to see from this passage is the emphasis—not on being homogenous, but on seeking to understand and praise the Lord together in one voice. What a ________ day that will be!
throne sorrow glorious bearing essentials Acts wins |
Thanks to an outpouring of help from hard-workers in our congregation, our long-time Clothing Bank is in the process of being cleared. At least two nonprofit groups have arranged with Clothing Bank Administrator Marlys Dupleich to pick up Clothing Bank fixtures and clothes within the next 10 days so that the building can be refurbished to accommodate the Bridge of Grace church. What a blessing and praise it is to see the servant hearts among us! What an answer to prayer that these other groups will be able to utilize our product to meet their clients’ needs!
Please take note of the CDC’s new guidelines regarding mask wearing. In the “Choosing Safer Activities” chart, there are two that speak directly to worship services: “Attending a worship service” and “Sing in an indoor chorus” still require mask wearing for both vaccinated and unvaccinated attendees. We look forward to the day when these, too, will be safe activities as more and more people are vaccinated.
1. Praise for all the precious mothers in our lives!
2. Pray for us as a church to stand fast in our faith.
3. Pray for responsive hearts in our community as we reach out and invite families to come and worship with us.
4. Continue to pray for our nation’s leaders—to seek God’s wisdom and direction for the many decisions they face.
5. Continue to pray for our church, and for sister churches Ministerio, Bridge of Grace, City of Rain, and Spirit of Truth, as we prepare together for the intracultural service on Pentecost Sunday, May 23!
Just a reminder that children will be meeting upstairs for Sunday School. They will go to class immediately after the children’s blessing prayer. In keeping with Covid-19 protocol, masks will be worn to protect both the children and the adult helpers.
May 9: Rev. Shaun Higgins, Esther 7:1-10
May 16: Rev. Shaun Higgins, Romans 12:3-8
- The Church Office is open Tuesday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Office phone number: 206-878-4861 // Office email: office@midwaycovenant.org
- Sunday Morning Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary (or online at live.midcov.org)
- Children’s Sunday School upstairs at 10:30 a.m.
- Women’s Discipleship Lunch Group: Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall
- Men’s Bible Study Breakfast Group: Thursdays at 9:00 a.m. at Tuscany’s in Des Moines
- The Clothing Bank is closed.