This is Week 4 of our “Come Together” sermon series about pursuing unity as the Body of Christ. Coming together means setting aside differences between fellow Christians who share the core essentials of the Christian faith and working together for the glory of God and the good of others. As we at Midway work with and learn from fellow believers from Bridge of Grace, Ministerio, City of Rain, and Spirit of Truth churches, what a visible testimony to the work of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, reconciliation, and the deep brotherly love of Christianity!
- Sunday, May 2 – Communion Sunday! Celebrate May Birthdays! Clothing Bank forum (following the service)!
- Sunday, May 9 – Mother’s Day!
- Sunday, May 23 – Pentecost Sunday!
At our April 11 Leadership Team meeting, we agreed that we would only accommodate churches wanting to rent our space who were also interested in pursuing our vision for an intracultural church. In this vision, we envision partners uniting in worship, diversifying in preaching, and partnering in ministry, with each church maintaining its congregational independence and identity.
On Tuesday, the 20th, the Leadership Team had the joy of meeting with a church that understands and values this vision. The Bridge of Grace Church, birthed as a Congolese immigrant church, also wants to become a multicultural, multiracial church. The Leadership Team met Saturday, April 24, and approved offering them a rental agreement with the intent of moving toward a partnership relationship. They accepted the offer to join with us. Welcome, Pastor Mbala!
On April 27, 2021, the CDC revealed its new guidelines regarding mask wearing. In the “Choosing Safer Activities” chart, there are two that speak directly to worship services: “Attending a worship service” and “Sing in an indoor chorus” still require mask wearing for both vaccinated and unvaccinated attendees. We look forward to the day when these, too, will be safe activities as more and more people are vaccinated.
Fill in the blanks using the words in the box below.
Last Sunday, Pastor Shaun preached on Colossians 3:5-17, where Paul gives us a ______ plan, telling us what to put off (all that belongs to the earthly nature), and what to put on (Christ). Pastor Shaun explained that all of humanity is equally ____ without Christ as Savior. No one has an edge on anyone else, regardless of how educated or talented or popular or wealthy they happen to be. We need to realize that we are all on equal footing, and the ______ is level at the cross. Our purpose as believers is to pursue a new mission of walking together and confessing Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. That way, our unity in Christ is _______ to the world around us. We need to be the Christians we claim to be! As we all know, unity in the body of Christ doesn’t just happen. We have to work at it! We need to put to death and ______ the old fleshly nature, and put on and feed the new Spirit-led nature. Paul’s instructions are simply not possible to carry out in our own strength. He tells us to walk in compassion, kindness, humility, _________, and patience! He says to bear with one another! He says to forgive any and all grievances–as the Lord forgave us! And then he says to put on love because it _____ everything else together! Thankfully, we have the Spirit of God living and dwelling within us…WHAT MORE DO WE NEED?
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A father took his 7-year-old son to several baseball games where The Star-Spangled Banner was sung before each game. One Sunday during baseball season, the father and son attended church, and because Independence Day was a few days away, the congregation sang The Star-Spangled Banner. After everyone sat down, the little boy suddenly yelled out, “PLAY BALL!!!”
1. Praise from Linda Morrisset for the repair of her wheelchair, a wonderful surprise visit from her daughter, and the resolving of a phone issue! She thanks all of you who have continued to keep her in your prayers!
2. Praise for all those who are wanting to know their spiritual gifts so they can use them to serve the Lord here at Midway!
3. Praise for Pastor Baron Mbala and the Bridge of Grace Church!
4. Pray for students and teachers as they navigate the last eight weeks of school before summer break!
5. Pray for all who are struggling with health issues.
6. Continue to pray for our nation’s leaders—to seek God’s wisdom and direction for the many decisions they face.
7. Continue to pray for our church, and for sister churches Ministerio, Bridge of Grace, City of Rain, and Spirit of Truth, as we prepare together for the intracultural service on Pentecost Sunday!
Starting this Sunday, May 2, the children will be meeting upstairs for Sunday School! They will go to class immediately after the children’s blessing prayer. In keeping with Covid-19 protocol, masks will be worn to protect both the children and the adult helpers.
May 2: Rev. Shaun Higgins, Revelation 7:9-17
May 9: Rev. Shaun Higgins, Esther 7:1-10
May 16: Rev. Shaun Higgins, Romans 12:3-8
- The Church Office is open Tuesday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Office phone number: 206-878-4861 // Office email:
- Sunday Morning Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary (or online at
- Children’s Sunday School upstairs at 10:30 a.m.
- Women’s Discipleship Lunch Group: Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall
- Men’s Bible Study Breakfast Group: Thursdays at 9:00 a.m. at Tuscany’s in Des Moines
- The Clothing Bank is closed.