E-news for April 3-9, 2022


April 3rd is the first Sunday of the month, and we have the privilege of celebrating communion together. If you will be joining the service via live-stream, you are encouraged to prepare in advance.


  • Wednesday, April 6 – Women’s Discipleship Lunch!
  • Thursday, April 7 – Midweek Fellowship/Bible Study!
  • Tuesday, April 12 – Leadership Team Meeting!
  • Friday, April 15 – Good Friday Service!
  • Sunday, April 17 – Easter Service!
  • Sunday, April 24 – Joint Service!


The adult Sunday School class is walking through the events of the last week of Christ, referred to as Holy Week. This is the most sacred time of the Christian year. Using the Gospel of Mark as an outline, we will explore the extra-ordinary events, with particular focus on the collision of two kingdoms—the kingdom of the world and the kingdom of God.  Join us Sunday at 8:45 a.m. on this journey to the Cross! This Sunday’s lesson will cover the events of Thursday of Holy Week, with Mark 14:12-72 as the text; Jim Lammers is teaching this session.


Please plan to join us on Thursday, April 7! We will share a potluck meal at 6 p.m. and then break out for Bible Study from 7-8 p.m. Hope to see you there!

Potluck Details: If your last name begins with A-K, please bring a dessert; L-R, please bring a main dish; S-Z, please bring a side dish.

Bible Study Details: Come join your Midway Family as Gerald MacDicken continues this inspirational journey through these beautiful and inspiring songs of praise, thanksgiving, and lament. Participants are invited to rediscover, or see for the first time, why you can put your hope in Jesus, the Shepherd, Savior and King! If you have any questions, you may email Gerald @ scotch51g@yahoo.com.


How much do you remember? Fill in the blanks from the box below.

  • Pastor Shaun preached from Romans 7 last week. He explained that the law of God is a very good thing because it points out the utter depravity of our hearts and our _________ need of a Savior.
  • The depraved sin nature of every person on this earth puts us all on the same trajectory—death (i.e. eternal __________ from God).
  • While it’s easy to use Adam and ____ as scapegoats because they disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden, we need to realize that we would have done the same thing.
  • Once a person chooses to surrender their life to Christ, they’re declaring death to their ____ sin-nature and its appetites, and they’re declaring life to their new nature with its appetite to know and obey God.
  • No one can bear fruit for God’s Kingdom if they keep one foot in the world. You will either bear fruit for God’s Kingdom by dying daily to your old self, or you will bear fruit for this _______ by continuing to live for its appetites.
  • As followers of Christ, we are no longer under the law, because it completed its purpose by exposing our sin. Rather, we are now under a new and different _____, the law of grace!
  • We need to ____________ that dying to sin is not a one-time thing. It is a daily battle!
  • Our enemy, the devil, is relentlessly seeking to derail Christ-followers and diminish the fruit we bear for God’s Kingdom, but we have the power of Christ within us, and He has already ____ the victory!
  • Pastor Shaun’s challenge: “Declare your allegiance to righteousness, to bear fruit for God’s Kingdom… May we keep our ____ fixed on the Righteous One that we have surrendered ourselves to!”
            eyes       old       separation        won        world         desperate         understand         Eve        law         

JOINT SERVICE/LUNCHEON COMING SOON! The next joint service will be Sunday, April 24th. Please plan to come and join with our sister churches as we unite to worship, praise, and call on the name of the Lord. Let us exalt His name together!    

COVID PROTOCOLS We rejoice that we can now worship and sing without masks! For those who want to continue wearing masks for added protection, we encourage you to do so. As our communities recover from the impact of the pandemic, may the Body of Christ at Midway be known for our love for one another!  


There’s hope for everyone who can look in the mirror and laugh at what they see.

For more happiness, learn to appreciate the scenery—even on the detours.

Enjoy yourself, because these are the “good old days” you’ll be reminiscing about later.


1. Praise that God is mighty to save, and that no one is beyond His redemption!

2. Pray for an outpouring of the Spirit on our parking lot and grounds such that every person who sets foot here will sense the presence of the Lord and be compelled to bow the knee to Jesus Christ as Lord.

3. Pray for the Leadership Team meeting on Tuesday, April 12.

4. Keep praying for the situation in Ukraine.                                                                                                                          

5. Keep praying for all those in our Midway family who are facing health and housing issues.

6. Keep praying for the safety and health of police officers, firefighters, and medical workers as they fight the good fight on the front lines in our communities.

7. Keep praying for our nations and leaders around the world.

                                                                 SERMON SCHEDULE

                                                     April 3:   Rev. Paul Nzuzi, 2 Corinthians 5:14-20

                                                     April 10: Rev. Brad Hill, John 12:12-36


  • The Church Office is open Tuesday through Friday, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Office phone number: 206-878-4861 // Office email: office@midwaycovenant.org     
  • Sunday Morning Bible Study: 8:45 a.m. in the Library
  • Sunday Morning Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary (or online at live.midcov.org)
  • Children’s Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. in upstairs classrooms
  • Women’s Discipleship Lunch Group: Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall
  • Men’s Bible Study Breakfast Group: Thursdays at 8:00 a.m. at Tuscany’s in Des Moines
  • Midweek Fellowship: Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall