Adult Sunday School
The Adult Bible Study will focus on the book of James for the 7 Sundays of Lent. James encourages us to reflect on our faith—is it real? The study will focus on faith in relation to temptation, sin, suffering, righteousness, and humility.
Day: Sundays Time: 8:45 AM; concludes at 9:45 AM Location: Prayer Room off of Narthex Leader: Pastor Brad Hill

Prayer Supper
All in our Midway family are invited to fellowship over a Soup ‘n Bread supper, followed by prayer for our church’s vision, ministries and people’s needs.
Day: Thursdays
Time: 6:00 PM; concludes at 7:00 PM
Location: Fellowship Hall
Leader: Rev. Shaun Higgins

Women’s Bible Study
Mug ‘N Muffin is an opportunity for women to gather each Wednesday from 10 to 11:30 am to study God’s Word and pray together. We are studying the ACTS OF THE APOSTLES, using a NavPress Life Change booklet. Women are welcome to choose their personal level of engagement—from just showing up on Wednesday to deeply exploring the text.
Day: Wednesdays Time: 10:00 AM; concludes at 11:30 AM Location: Fellowship Hall Leaders: Ruth Hill
Men’s Bible Study
Join other men who gather weekly at a local restaurant to enjoy fellowship around breakfast and study of the Bible! Currently, the Bible study follows the Sunday sermon text (printed in the weekly e-newsletter), providing a rich opportunity to learn God’s Word both through hearing it preached and interacting with others in studying it.
Day: Thursdays Time: 8:00 AM; concludes at 10:00 AM Location: Tuscany at Des Moines Creek, 21830 Marine View Drive, Des Moines Leader: Jim Lammers
Men’s Group
Men, this is a time to check in with each other, to encourage and support and above all, to pray for one another.
Day: Thursdays Time: 7:00 PM; concludes at 8:30 PM Location: Prayer Room Leader: Rev. Shaun Higgins