Spiritual gifts are meant to be identified and then used—not to puff up ourselves but to build up one another in the Body of Christ. They are gifts of grace! Paul had to chastise the Corinthians because their independent, competitive attitudes toward their spiritual gifts were causing strife and division in the church. No matter what gifts we happen to have—whether teaching, preaching, listening, mercy, faith, or other gifts–they are meant to be used in community. May we seek to serve with others-centered joy!

To our men and women in uniform—past, present, and future:
We remember you; we honor you; we celebrate you.
- Sunday, June 6 – Communion Sunday; Leadership Team Meeting!
- Sunday, June 13 – Celebrating our Children and Youth!
- Sunday, June 20 – Father’s Day!
- Saturday, June 26 – Semi-annual Meeting!
Fill in the blanks using the words in the box below.
Last Sunday, guest pastor Michael Hunter from Spirit and Truth Worship preached on Acts 1:1-14. He talked about how important the ____ of Pentecost is to the church. It’s the church’s “inauguration” day! In Acts 1, Jesus instructed the assembled believers of this first church to ____ together for the promise of the Father. What was this promise? The Holy Spirit, to be with them and to embolden them to _____ the good news of salvation. Pastor Hunter said that Pentecost is also a celebration of the harvest of souls. How many souls were added to the _______ on that first Pentecost? 3,000!!! Pastor Hunter said it is time for us as the church to get our heads out of the sand, stop thinking carnally about things, quit being earthly minded, and start embracing a Kingdom mentality. We need to start walking/living in the ______ of the Holy Spirit. How do we do this? (1) Turn off the news. (2) Open our Bibles. (3) Seek the face of God. (4) Wait before him like they did in Acts 1:14, “They ________ together and continued with one accord in prayer and supplication.” He reminded us that the Church is not just a building or a denomination. It is us, you and I—WE ARE THE CHURCH! As followers of Christ, we need to realize that this ______ is not our home. We are visitors here, commissioned to represent Jesus as his ambassadors. Our job as ambassadors is to represent Jesus and share his message of reconciliation to God. There are no bench-warmers in the Kingdom of God. Everybody has a _______ and is to be a minister of reconciliation: (1) No longer seeing “big I’s” and “little you’s.” (2) Recognizing the value in one another. (3) Moving _______ people. (4) Seeking and encouraging reconciliation—to God and each other.
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Please spread the word… Cascades Camp in Yelm, Washington, is looking for Jesus-loving, servant-hearted young adults to serve in all areas of camp life including operations, food services, and programs. Applicants must have finished high school and be turning 18 by this summer. For more information, you may go to workatcascades.org or contact Alex Farag, alexfarag@cascadescamp.org. As an additional incentive, $500 grants will be awarded at the end of the summer to all summer staff who fulfill their contracted start to end dates (typically 6+ weeks).
Our semi-annual meeting is scheduled for Saturday, June 26, at 6:30 p.m. Be sure to mark your calendars and plan to attend! Note to ministry leaders: reports are due by June 15.
Ten-year-old Dale was sitting with his family in church one Sunday, listening to the minister talk about heaven. The minister said, “No one can imagine how wonderful heaven is. No one really knows.” Dale, whose grandpa had recently passed away and gone to be with Jesus, couldn’t contain himself. “That’s not so!” he shouted. “My grandpa’s there now. He knows!”
Our sister churches for all the hard work and prayerful preparation for our joint Pentecost service!
Marie and Christina for the delicious buffet and the beautifully-decorated Fellowship Hall in celebration of Pentecost Sunday! Thanks also to their servers and clean-up crew: Lesa, Annabel, Susan and Carol.
Dennis and Pastor Shaun for all the clearing of brush and debris from our property! You are unstoppable!
Rosemary for the beautiful, fragrant roses that brought a smile to everyone who came into the office this week!
Valerie for the delicious lunch you brought in! (You’re an inspiration. We simply must get a feed-the-pastor schedule up and running!)
1. Praise for the incredible Pentecost Sunday service with five sister churches. To God be the glory, great things He has done!
2. Pray for those who are ill, those with upcoming surgeries, and those in the midst of ongoing treatment.
3. Pray for students as they run the final lap (month) of school.
4. Pray for the strength of the Lord for those who are weary.
5. Pray for those areas in the world where Covid-19 is still raging.
6. Continue to pray for our leaders (local, state, nation).
May 30: Rev. Shaun Higgins, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
June 6: Rev. Shaun Higgins, Ephesians 4:7-16
- The Church Office is open Tuesday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Office phone number: 206-878-4861 // Office email: office@midwaycovenant.org
- Sunday Morning Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary (or online at live.midcov.org)
- Children’s Sunday School upstairs at 10:30 a.m.
- Women’s Discipleship Lunch Group: Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall
- Men’s Bible Study Breakfast Group: Thursdays at 8:30 a.m. at Tuscany’s in Des Moines