E-news for March 14-20, 2021


Remember to set your clocks ahead one hour. We don’t want you to miss the service! See you in the morning.


Our Lent sermon series is entitled “The HEART Matters.” As we’ve been learning, Lent is a solemn time of preparation when we take inventory of our lives. The custom in some churches of using ashes to form a cross on the believer’s forehead on Ash Wednesday is a tactile reminder that our sin leads to death–spiritual and physical. The solemn reflection of Lent is a way to refocus our minds, hearts, and lives on the fact that we need a Savior before we can experience the triumph of Christ’s resurrection!


Please join us at 8:45 a.m. in the Narthex for our “Matters of the Heart” Sunday School class! This 6-week course encourages us to examine our hearts, our motivations, and our loves as we walk in repentance toward Resurrection Sunday.


  • Discussion of the vision of an intracultural church continued. There was consensus that the Holy Spirit is leading in this direction while also acknowledging that many questions and challenges lie ahead. We see the need to move at the Spirit’s pace, laying the foundation well.
  • Pastor Andre, of City of Rain (Covenant) Church, will preach on March 14.
  • Both City of Rain as well as Spirit and Truth will gather with us here at Midway Covenant for a jointly-led Good Friday service on April 2.
  • Discussed progress in our vision of all the Body in small groups focused on the same Scripture each week. The goal is forming very small groups where growing trust leads to accountability and spiritual growth.
  • Several needs regarding “honoring God’s house” were addressed:
    • March 21 is target date for heater installation and services returning to Sanctuary (Woo-hooo!!)
    • Decided to invest in new or used riding lawn mower and adapt storage shed to house it
    • Decided to pursue bids for repainting the parking lot
    • Decided, in order to better protect the church property, to install a gate across entrance to upper balcony, and to close northwest and southeast entrances to the campus during the week
  • Ruth Hill, Leadership Team Chair


Fill in the blanks using the words in the box below.

Last Sunday, Pastor Shaun preached from 2 Chronicles 34. He spoke about King Josiah, who came into power at a challenging time. Josiah’s father Amon had been a wicked king who led the people _____ toward idol worship. In contrast, King Josiah, from the _____ of his reign, sought the Lord wholeheartedly! Pastor Shaun shared that there was clearly someone in Josiah’s childhood who was wise enough to impact him with the truths of God’s message and the importance of following Him with ________ obedience. Pastor Shaun said, “What a great impact just one person can have who stands firm in the Lord and refuses to go astray.”      King Josiah immediately began purging the nation of their detestable idols and images. When the temple workers came across the Book of the Law which previous _____ had tossed aside, King Josiah had his scribe read it to him. He was deeply troubled about how far the Israelites had strayed from their God. He tore his clothes in grief and anguish, humbling himself before God and repenting on behalf of the people. King Josiah gathered all the ______ and read to them the sobering words from the Book. He renewed the covenant to follow the Lord and His commands and decrees with all his heart and all his soul, and to obey the words of the covenant. Then he had all the people ______ themselves to it as well. Interestingly, as long as Josiah lived, the people followed God. But as soon as he died, they returned to their godless ways. Looking to and following a person rather than ____ has tragic consequences. There is no excuse for us because we have God’s Word to keep us accountable and the Holy Spirit to comfort, teach and help us! It’s not up to someone else; it’s up to ___.

             complete           astray            God           us           start             people            pledge            kings


Proof that children know what temptation looks like: Five-year-old Jason was trying to save all his coins to buy a birthday gift for his grandfather, but it wasn’t easy. One evening as he said his prayers, his mother overheard him pleading, “Dear God please help me save my money…and don’t let the ice cream truck come down this street!”


Dennis Brass for keeping the church grounds looking nice by picking up trash!

Dale Dowsing for putting door stops on the Fellowship Hall doors and helping with touch-up painting!

Rick Gettis for mowing the grass areas around the church!

Ruth Hill for the office coffee!

Jim Lammers for donating stationery and office supplies!

Don Paige for stopping by to do maintenance checks on the building!


March 14: Rev. Andre Khilchenko, James 2:1-9

March 21: Rev. Shaun Higgins, 1 Peter 1:3-9   

March 28: Rev. Shaun Higgins, Luke 19:28-44


The Church Office is open Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Office phone number: 206-878-4861 // Office email: office@midwaycovenant.org                     

Sunday Morning Bible Study: 8:45 a.m. in the Narthex

Sunday Morning Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall (or online at live.midcov.org)

The Clothing Bank is closed.