E-news for August 8-14, 2021


In 1 Peter 4, we are encouraged to pursue peace and unity in our
relationships, and to repay evil with kindness and blessing. The apostle
Peter points us to Christ as our example of enduring suffering and
continuing to do good. The suffering on earth is for a little while, but the
glory we experience in eternity will make it all worth it.

● Sunday, August 8 – Celebrate August Birthdays!
● Tuesday, August 10 – Leadership Team Meeting!
● Sunday, August 29 – Youth Sunday!


“I wake up every morning at eight and grab for the morning paper. Then I look at the obituary
page. If my name is not on it, I get up!” – the late Harry Hershfield, American cartoonist

The youth group is meeting twice a month throughout the summer. Our next meeting is Wednesday, August
11, from 3-5 p.m. Invite a friend! ☺

Fill in the blanks using the words below.
Last Sunday, Pastor Shaun was joined by our very own David Nzuzi to bring a message from 1 Peter 3 where the apostle Peter talks to wives, husbands, and the church. David said the instruction from the apostle Peter to wives is not to prioritize outer beauty that draws others’ focus onto outward appearance, but rather to put first their inner beauty that manifests itself in beautiful behavior. He said that is what attracts and wins over even unbelieving husbands because they see the love of Christ being lived . Husbands are instructed in this passage to treat their wives with gentleness and respect so that their prayers will not be hindered. And all believers are instructed to follow six basic principles: Live in harmony; be sympathetic; love as brothers; be compassionate; be __; do not repay evil with evil. When the focus of husbands and wives, and all of us, is on following these principles that demonstrate Christ’s love, people take notice! They are drawn to Christ in us. Our walk shows whose we are! David said whenever we meet unbelievers who want to know about Christ, we can take them to 1 Peter 3. He said it’s very important to disciple them using the Bible (not our own words) as the reference. And to be effective in sharing Christ, he said we need to be seeking Him and in the Word. Pastor Shaun reminded us that suffering is part of the Christian life, and our suffering is for the ________of others. The key, he said, is to walk in accordance to the Word. One of the most powerful testimonies to unbelievers is when believers respond to insults and meanness with a gentle smile and kind word (i.e. refusing to retaliate). He pointed to verse 15, “Always be ________to give an answer when asked of the hope that is in you.” He said this is a key verse for apologists–people who are devoted to always being prepared to offer a defense for their faith. Pastor Shaun emphasized that we are not only believing in the gospel but we are becoming the gospel. This gospel is the Good News; it is the _______we have over sin and death! When we become the gospel, our lives demonstrate to the lost that Christ transforms and redeems lives!
humble only prepared benefit victory out

The 2021 women’s retreat will be held September 17-19 at Cascades Camp in Yelm. If you are planning to attend, please note the following precautions due to the recent increase in COVID-19 cases and the Delta variant spread:
(1) There will be a health check-in at registration, including showing a record of vaccination.
(2) The Women’s Retreat Camp Staff recommend unvaccinated individuals protect themselves and reduce the risk to others by not attending this year’s retreat.
(3) Note: If you are unvaccinated and still plan to attend, you will need to bring a recent (within the past week) negative COVID test. You will be required to wear a mask at all times while participating in Getaway activities. We also ask that
you inform your requested roommates prior to arrival of your vaccination status.
(4) If you have already registered and decide not to attend, Cascades Camp will refund your registration fees.
(5) Everyone will be encouraged to wear masks while participating in indoor activities.
(6) Seating in meeting rooms and the dining hall will be arranged with social distancing in mind.
(7) Housing will be spread out around the campgrounds, putting no more than 3 women in any housing space.

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  1. Pray for those among us who are sick or awaiting test results.
  2. Continue to pray for the leaders of our nation.
  3. Pray that Christ will be clearly seen in our lives, and for opportunities to share the gospel with the lost.

August 8: Rev. Shaun Higgins, 1 Peter 4:1-19
August 15: Rev. Shaun Higgins, 1 Peter 5:1-14
August 22: Rev. Shaun Higgins, Jonah 1:1-17
August 29: Rev. Shaun Higgins, Jonah 2:1-10

● The Church Office is open Tuesday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
● Office phone number: 206-878-4861 // Office email: office@midwaycovenant.org
● Sunday Morning Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary (or online at live.midcov.org)
● Children’s Sunday School upstairs at 10:30 a.m.
● Discipleship Lunch Group: Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall
● Men’s Bible Study Breakfast Group: Thursdays at 8:00 a.m. at Tuscany’s in Des Moines