Daily Archives: March 29, 2024

4 posts

Community Garden

We are gearing up for a community garden on the North Lot. Raised bed planting boxes arebeing built. If you are interested in claiming one, reach out to Pastor Shaun.

Something to Ponder: John Wesley like Cornelius

In many respects, John Wesley was like Cornelius. He was a religious man, a church member, a minister, and the son of a minister. He belonged to a “religious club” at Oxford, the purpose of which was the perfecting of the Christian life. Wesley served as a foreign missionary, but […]

New Sunday Adult Bible Study

Would you like to find lasting joy in a world of comparison, disappointment, and unmet expectations ? If so, come to the Sunday morning Adult Bible study beginning on April 7th from 8:45-9:45 in the Prayer Room. There will be a six session video study by Max Lucado on the […]

Introducing our new Youth Director!

Meet Marco Bracamontes! Marco is our new Youth Director and stepped into his new role this week. Marco comes from Covington, WA, where he was born and still lives. Ministry has surrounded him his entire life. His parents were Youth Pastors and from an early age he was being mentored […]