Devotional: Malachi 2 From Holly: Background: In chapter 1, Malachi began a courtroom scene in which God brought charges against the people of Israel as a whole, and began by the end of the chapter to address the priests more pointedly. Here in chapter 2, Malachi continues to address the priests. […]
Daily Archives: June 20, 2021
Devotional: Malachi 1 From Holly: Background: This prophecy is written to Israel specifically through the prophet Malachi [“My messenger” or “My angel”.] Some versions use the word “burden” [or “oracle”] instead of the words prophecy or message. It is written in the form of a disputation (think a trial in a […]
Devotional: Ephesians 4:7-16 From Holly: I think that verse 7 links the gifts Paul speaks of in verses 11 and 12, to our salvation experience: “grace was given in keeping with the measure of Messiah’s gift”. Gift, singular. What was His gift, given by grace? Eternal life! It is by that […]
Dads, we are so grateful for you. Thank you for your devotion to God and to your families! Thank you for being the fixers of flat tires, computers, broken hearts, wifi connections, and everything else! SERMON SERIES FROM MALACHI In this four-week sermon series, we are learning of the incredible […]
NEW SERMON SERIES FROM MALACHI This four-week sermon series teaches us of the incredible depths of God’s love for his people. The Israelites struggled to trust God during difficult circumstances; they often responded with cynicism, rebellion, and refusal to believe. Yet still He loved them! As we recognize the great […]
COMMUNION SUNDAY Tomorrow, June 6, is the first Sunday of the month, and we have the privilege of celebrating communion together. If you will be joining the service via live-streaming, you are encouraged to prepare in advance. EQUIPPING THE CHURCH FOR MINISTRY As the body of Christ, we have been […]