From the Leadership Team

We, the Leadership Team—Pastor Shaun Higgins, Don Paige, Marlys Dupleich, Marti Day, Gerald MacDicken and Ruth Hill—have been on a journey of discernment for over a month, sensing the Lord was leading us to take a giant faith step regarding our property. On Tuesday, April 2, we gathered to prayer walk the North Lot and then shared our experiences over dinner. In the two weeks that followed, the Spirit began revealing to each of us in various ways that it was time to build a parsonage on our unused property.

This is not a new topic to you, as we have had discussions regarding it at congregational meetings in the past. However, we are sensing that the “cloud” is lifting and it is time to “set out” (Exodus 40:37).”

We are eager to share with you how the Spirit led us to a unanimous decision to bring this to you. We are instructed to “…test the spirits to see whether they are from God…(1 John 4:1)” and are grateful that the Lord uses mutual discernment to confirm his leading.

We now ask you to seek the Lord with this prayer request: “Lord, are you leading us to build a parsonage on our property?”

The best Sunday to gather for a Congregational Meeting is May 26. We will share our discernment journeys and invite you to share any you have. We will also share initial thoughts on how God might be providing the funds for this project.

In Him,
Your Leadership Team