There will be a very brief Congregational Meeting as part of our Sunday morning worship on Sunday, September 22.
We rejoice to bring before you the names of seven people for your vote on becoming members of Midway Community Covenant Church. They are, from left to right: Mulonda Israel, Tumsifu Jemina, Ndondo Lubumba, Kungwa Latetia, Mbiriti Mireille and Michel Idumba. Michel’s wife, Christine Wakusolela, is not pictured. Michel and Christine have been connected to Midway Covenant over six years; Christine’s mother, Ndondo Lubumba, is also a familiar face. Israel, Jemina, Latetia and Mireille and Christine’s siblings who have recently arrived from Congo via a refugee camp in Burundi.
All are believers; all have been baptized; all are eager to make Midway Covenant their church home as they learn English and life in their new home.